torsdag 19. februar 2009

Tre ganger så moro

I kveld kjører jeg til Sverige og Göteborg for å se på verdenscupen i dressur, sprang og kjøring sammen med Elin og gode venner.
Gleder meg masse!
Ha en god helg alle!

1 kommentar:

RuckusButt sa...

Hey HorseOfCourse,
The word verification on your other blog doesn't seem to be working, so I'll post my comment here :)

Thanks for your comments on my blog and on mugs too. I appreciate the info! I've been reading up on the breed and I'm looking forward to working with these horses. One is 17 and one is 5. I'll keep you posted! (I do have to point out that I'm Canadian, not American :) )

I've heard about Horse 1.0 and therefore opted not to install it just yet. I do use it on other people's systems though, lol.